Erin Hensley's Finding the Light group is focusing on {just the light} this month, and while I've incorporated the light theme into every day of my 365 project, with the holidays and fun photos of the season and the main purpose of my 365 being my daughter, I am going to keep the theme and my 365 project separate for this final month. So here are some of my {just the light} photos, some old and some new.
Rock the Shot's March Challenge is {Landscape}. I knew exactly what location I wanted to use. Ireland. Everyone and his brother within a 50 mile radius of us knows that my husband and I are in love with Ireland. My husband begs me every single day to move there. I miss its rugged beauty, the diverse landscapes, the history and music and beer and food. I miss the people who are generous and friendly. But darn it, I really love my family and can't imagine leaving them, so here in the Midwest we remain. Every day I think about it, and every day I long with a heavy heart to go back. Submit your {Landscape} shot at
November 2018
Aubrey DettmerWife, Mommy, Vintage Lover, Coffee Addict, Photography Junkie Categories