The last of the {combination light}. I can't believe we only have one more month of {finding the light} in the year. One more month of my 365 project. Another month passes, and my little one grows and grows. To see her go from a non-walking baby in footie jammies to a little girl who can scale anything and loves to explore has been incredible. I feel so privileged to have captured it all and to be able to see the images as proof of how much she's grown and changed.
Another week of combo light. I'm loving this month because it provides such artistic liberty and real discernment of which types of light are involved. ![]() 320.365 After looking back through the photos and videos from Halloween, I realized how very little you are, and you were absolutely adorable dressed as a sock monkey. You had the trick-or-treat thing down pat, running as quickly as you could from house to house, even the ones without lights on. And when we had to leave, you screamed and cried, and I wished we could have continued trick-or-treating because you loved it so much. {last light} {diffused light} Being a photographer who is also a mom (aka momtog) can be overwhelming sometimes because you can get reaaaalllly behind on your own family's photos. At this point, I still have all of 2014 and 2015 to edit and *hopefully* get into albums. My goal is to get it all done before baby arrives in February....yikes! So I've buckled down, and I finally got our daughter's 1st birthday party from last year edited. She's already had her 2nd birthday party, and even though they were in the same location, I'm kind of embarrassed by the quality of last year's photos. But the memories were what really count.
We had an Alice in Wonderland theme, and my very talented grandmother sewed her dress to look identical to the one in the movie. We had a royal tea party, and my husband the Mad Hatter performed magic tricks for the kids. And since Little One's birthday is just before Halloween, we made it a costume party, which turned out awesome! What a lucky girl to have so many people in her life who love her. We appreciated everyone who came to celebrate her first crazy year of life, and what a joy to celebrate her health after a bumpy ride. I can't believe what a baby she was just one short year ago. It makes me want to hold onto her a little tighter for fear that she'll grow before my very eyes. |
November 2018
Aubrey DettmerWife, Mommy, Vintage Lover, Coffee Addict, Photography Junkie Categories